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Dear Marnie
Marnie helped me dive deep and made sure my readers could understand where my character and the other characters were coming from. Most importantly, she helped me deliver the best memoir I could. For that I am very grateful and would suggest and recommend her to anyone who is looking to build something that they want and to have her…
Thank you so much for re-posting this on your blog! That was very kind, and may I say hello from Canada! Of course I’m curious: how did you find my post? 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
– Jeff
Hi Jeff, mmm, now you’re testing my memory. I think you might have come up on the WordPress front page and my beady little eye spotted the word memoir! You’re welcome for the re-post, your blog is very interesting. I’m delighted that WordPress has this re-post function as I love a good ReTweet over on Twitter (and thank you for finding me there). More voices for a more interesting blog, I think. Anyway, hello right back from a coastal corner of the UK 🙂 You have a great weekend.