

Why Everyone Should Write a Memoir

In May, 2024, I did a LinkedIn live with Jasmine Navarro, family and executive wellbeing expert.

Six Part Online Memoir Writing Course Intro

Six Part Online Memoir Writing Course now available

Our six part online memoir writing course, Start Writing, Keep Writing, is now available. Watch this video to meet Marnie and find out what the course entails… Click here to read more and sign up, or drop Marnie a line with any questions.


The Joy of Writing a Memoir

In the quiet recesses of our minds, there often lingers an idea that refuses to fade away—a tale waiting to be told, a chapter of our lives yearning to be shared.


How long does it take to write a memoir?

The journey is like stepping into a time capsule, revisiting moments that have shaped who we are. One question is often asked: How long does it take to write a memoir? The answer, like the stories themselves, is as varied as the human experience.



“When I’m writing the first draft, I’m constantly reminding myself that I’m simply shoveling sand into a box, so that later I can build castles.”


Healthy Hippocampus For Memory Retrieval

Our hippocampus plays a crucial role when writing our memoirs.


Margate Bookie Literary Festival

On Saturday, October 21st, I attended the Margate Bookie literary festival to hear Deborah Levy talk about her latest novel August Blue


Our Senses Take Us Back In Time

Your hear Proust, you think cake – or is that just me?

And after I’ve had a little think about cake and the madeleines I must bake, I think about the power of smell and taste to take us back in time.


Scenes not chapters, your memoir deserves it

When crafting your memoir, I always encourage my authors to resist the urge to organise their life stories in chapters that summarise events and time periods.


Jericho Writers York Festival of Writing

I’ve just come home from the Jericho Writers York Festival of Writing, which was a wonderful three-day event of workshops, speakers, agent one-to-ones, friendship, food and dancing.

Dear Marnie