Today, February 26, 2016, it is two years since we lost our beloved family friend Brian Summerfield. I mentioned Bri in a recent blog post and said that I was thinking of sharing the eulogy I delivered at his service. I’ve just managed to read it for the first time since the day of the […]

My Creative Childhood
I was invited to write about my creative childhood in Whitstable for the Kent’s Creative Coast website. Please click here to read it.

Every Picture Tells A Story
I am currently working with a lovely lady in London. Last week we went through her box of photographs. I encourage my authors to do this not only to select images for inclusion in their final book, but also because pictures help forgotten stories to come to the surface. I love this part of the […]

Life, interrupted
I wanted to write a blog post at the start of the year about my new memoir writing classes. I hope you’ll come. I hope you make 2016 the year you write your life story. There are some details about the classes at the bottom of this post. Meanwhile here’s what I’ve been thinking about […]

Brian Denny – Writing My Memoir Was Life Changing
To celebrate the fourth birthday of Your Memoir, Brian Denny – author of From Boy To Son To Father – has written about the experience of writing his book, which was published earlier this year. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Brian. Happy Birthday to Your Memoir and here’s to lots more fascinating stories and […]

Neil Vines – Powerful Beyond Measure
I have just pre-ordered a book called Having The Last Say – Capturing Your Legacy In One Small Story, by Alan Gelb. The author offers to explain how to write short personal narratives that serve as a powerful form of life review. I think it sounds fascinating and I can’t wait to read it. I […]

Goodbye Joanie
One of the first authors to contact me when I began my business three years ago was a lady called Joan. She wanted me to write her memoirs and give them to her family when she died. No one had asked me to do that before, nor have they since, but as time went on […]

All The World’s A Stage – Guest Post
On July 9, I launched the memoir of nonangenarian authors, Peggie and Mollie Bensaid – The Bensaid Twins. Their book, All The World’s A Stage, demanded such an event not least because of their extraordinary collection of theatrical memorabilia spanning a career of 70 years. They are pictured above with one of their original costumes. […]
Dear Marnie
Wake Up Little Suzy Marnie – a trusted friend. I chose Marnie to help me with my first memoir back in 2017. My book had some very sensitive content. Marnie ensured I was kept ‘safe’ from any potential legal fall out. I felt confident that I was in the hands of selfless wisdom. She knows her subject intimately. Seven years…
When the Window Closes: What I learned caring for my mom while she was alive and dying I don’t know what to say except that Marnie is THE BEST! I found her in the acknowledgments a friend wrote in his memoir, and I messaged him to ask about her. He could not say enough good things, so I reached out to…
Marnie helped me dive deep and made sure my readers could understand where my character and the other characters were coming from. Most importantly, she helped me deliver the best memoir I could. For that I am very grateful and would suggest and recommend her to anyone who is looking to build something that they want and to have her…